Tainted Bride

While @ work the other day I encountered something quite disturbing. While sitting @ the front desk of my office building I witnessed a married man shamelessly hitting on a co-worker. He wispered in her ear and called her to come close. The thing that appalled me most was the fact of how shameless this man was, in view for all to see his intent lust after this woman by action and word. This grieved me so profusely! Now we know that these things happen on a daily basis, but let's look deeper into this metaphorical picture. What does that wedding ring symbolise? Commitment? Union? A vow? Love? At what moment did that wedding ring become a noose? When did it become a disposable thing that you waive around as if it were some piece of costume jewelry? Is marriage just another thing to check off of our agenda driven to do lists?

This made me think of the bride of Christ and how this viewpoint would affect us as Christians. Do we take our vows seriously? Has our creator put a wedding ring on our finger while we masquerade with other lovers? Do we have an awe and reverence of who He is? I say all of these things not to condemn, but in a desire to evoke something on the inside of us that would long for utter devotion. I long not for a fleeting, beautiful ceremony but a lifelong engagement of awe, beauty and ever growing intimacy with my spouse in the natural and spiritual realm.


Allie, Dearest said...

Good post, Layne. It's so sad to see people who should be in love with their spouse just throwing themeselves around to the lowest bidder.

Eric Sidler said...

Absolutely agreed. Great post, Laynee.

Colin P. Fagan said...

It could truly go with the poem. This is a very true issue and state of the church today. Nicely written.

Anonymous said...

New Blog! New Blog! New Blog!

(Can you see the picket signs?)

Don'tcha love me Layne? Don'tcha?

Is "don'tcha" spelled correctly?
