
I have an amazing family,
Amazing Friends,
I have my health,
I have a job,,
I have a roof over my head,
I have breath in my lungs,
I have vision,
I have hope,
I have everlasting peace,
and a Father in heaven who will never leave me.
So much to be thankful for. So much of the simple things that I don't meditate on. I chose to focus on these things. For these things that seem like a given to us Americans are luxuries for those abroad. Lord, make me sensitive. Make me compassionate! Make me humble! Make me a vessel of your love, poured out for people to enjoy.


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for you, a dear friend, feel like I've known you since I was a kid : )

Layne Eiler said...

I love you Grethchen. My sweet Redhead

Eric Sidler said...

Wow! We do have so much to be thankful for, don't we?

Why is it that we who are blessed with so many of the "perks" are often the quickest to forget the most fundamental blessings we enjoy? I don't want to miss the blessings right in front of my face because I'm longing for something more to come. Thanks for writing this.