To be Grateful or Not to be, that is the question


Gratefulness is sometimes fought for
and sometimes just invades our thinking like a vapor.
Sometimes things sit in front of us for so long that they just become
a silouette of a thing void of details and nuances; it's like
when your eyes begin to blur after you've stared at a television set
for to long. Gratefulness causes us to snap out of that daze and hone in on
the vibrancy of colors, sounds, movements and happenings.
Today I'm grateful because I was reminded of how much I have been given.


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written post and reminder.

betsega said...

amen sister!
thank you again for that prayer last night... puts everything in perspective.

Dave P said...

danke for el reminder. Si we must give danke to God for all el things He gives us and not forget! Help us

Layne Eiler said...

A little German, English and Spanish there, eh?

Dave P said...

just trying to be thankful for the languages that are spoken around us

Jen in Budapest said...

Dang girl. You are sooo creative with the picture on your blogspot and thank you for this blog on thankfulness. So true. JEN

Jen in Budapest said...

Hey Layne...Does Betsega have a blogspot? How could she do this to me. I would LOVE to hear her blogs. Pass that one on to her would ya?

Layne Eiler said...

I will definately let her know that youy say so.