One of my favorite verses that I've cleaved onto in this last year is ,"A man who fears the Lord avoids all extremes." We must be careful to listen to these wise words. I'm all for dissecting,analyzing, but there must also be a time of reflection on God's good works in the earth. I don't want to become a cynic about the church's state or our nation. I want to be known as a women of hope, not ignorant faith....hope. I know that there are many flaws that are evident in the body of Christ today, but let's take a moment to reflect on the positive. If we spend all of our time in introspection when do we find time to just sit and enjoy? God has called us to have the balance of both. Matthew 4 talks about worshiping the Lord in spirit and in truth (experiencially and theologically). I'm so blessed to see dear friends of mine fighting social injustices, loving there neighbors, seeking Gods face and entering into the gifts that God has irrevocably placed with in them. Today I challenge you to think about the beauty of what has come and what is to come.


Anonymous said...

Love that verse, avoiding all extremes. How easily we all can fall into an extreme thought, behavior, etc. I have experienced this in my own life. In every "season" we may be focused on a certain attribute of G-d, character development, sin pattern, etc. that is being revealed or dealt with. In our attempt to align ourselves with staying on track, we can end up becoming so extreme that we do more out of self-effort than trusting in G-d to work in and through us. Our Western thought is so rooted in dualism that we categorize things that should be interrelated. We try to become "spiritual" and then deny the fact that we are human, as if our humanity denies our spirituality. I am not against setting one's self apart and recognize there are times we must avoid certain circumstances for the purpose of sanctification. But what I am learning about myself and the Christian experience is that some things are not as "black and white" as we think. Not that I am throwing G-d's law (i.e. Ten Commandments) out the window either. I recognize that we are human, created in G-d's image but fallen and in the process of redemption. We cannot run ahead of G-d's timing in this but remain humble before Him. We will make mistakes and in our attempt to be perfect and walk the "straight and narrow" we will slip, we will sin and will get frustrated. No matter how extreme we try to be in avoiding mistakes, we will still make them. I do not write this to discourage anyone but just to remind us that we are not "there" yet. Thankfully G-d is patient with us, with our shortcomings and our attempts to "fix" ourselves. I am glad He sees the good in us, when we focus on the bad, on the ugly, and on the weak. He is faithful to complete the work He has begun in us, He is more than able and that we can rest in and be confident in.

Dave P said...

Huge comment by Gretchen. The question that i would ask you is do you think helping people to the extreme is a bad thing? I mean if you poured out your life to the extreme for others is that bad? Because wouldnt that be fulfilling and enjoying life it was done in the right heart?

Layne Eiler said...

I don't understand how that is connected with the blog?? I don't think that it's bad to pour out your life as an offering. I don't think that it' swise though once it becomes a burden and not a blessing.

Eric Sidler said...

Layne, thanks for your balanced perspective. It definitely challenged me.

I'm understanding more now that while I can't neglect my mind, I cannot delve into the fullness of God's love and plan for my life without seeking him in Spirit. For me, I guess that means something like what we all did on Friday: getting together and worshipping and praying together. Or, it could be taking a walk in the woods and just LISTENING to God. Whew, that's a tough one for me. I always find it's easier to talk to him than to listen.

Keep bringing the balance! I appreciate your courage to disagree and help us remember the wonderful things that God has done in our lives. He does use imperfect vessels, doesn't he?

Layne Eiler said...

I'm definately imperfect

Anonymous said...

Late on this one...for David... not talking about extremes in the case of serving others. Though I have seen people go to "extremes" in the attempt to serve and they neglect other areas in their lives that they should steward and their personal lives become a trainwreck. But as David said, with the right heart it is good, though sincerity doesn't equal wisdom either.