My soul aches for eternity.

No Pain
No Bills
No confusion

Fullness of our Creators Beauty
Fullness of Joy
Fullness of being

My soul aches.


Anonymous said...

Oh Layne you are such a treasure.

And might I say "swift like a gazelle" also, just like me!

Allie, Dearest said...

layne-thank you so much for your comment on my braille post. It's funny how something just pops out at you in a moment and then becomes a really good metaphor for other things, too. I notice now how much I am seeing God show me this particular metaphor in a lot of areas of my own life. Even as I was in church yesterday, the pastor spoke about a passage in Zechariah that I have read before but never understood. It's like all of the sudden I realized that he read that passage and could feel it, like braille dots, it guides him and shows him something important. To me, it was nothing more than a picture on a wall. I really am praying for God to make the pictures into raised surfaces that can guide me now.

Talk to you soon. I love your post, btw. I long for this.