
My heart yearns for simplicity. At times I enjoy wrestling through the complexities of life, but right now I want to focus on the simple things. When you peel back all of the layers, @ the core is just a desire to see things as they are. Not meaning that I only want the surface image, but that I long to see things as they've truly been created. When all of the dirt, masks, costumes, intellects are torn away what is it that lies there? That is a place of rest. No longer striving to make yourself something or make others something they are not. Vocabulary, culture, politics, experience, money, looks. Can we just peal through all of the crap and enjoy people? I want to be enjoyed and enjoy others. If you have unrealistic expectations of who you desire an individual to be you're bound to be disappointed. So often I long to impress with my fancy words, books I've read, people I know, music I listen to. I don't want to impress I just want to be. So sorry if your disappointed, but I can only be me and that's all that I want to "strive" to become, more of who God has made me to be.


Anonymous said...

Disapppointed. Interesting how we allow people to "disappoint us" as though they should meet our expectations. I have been thinking about this alot. What do we expect of others? What should we expect? Do we hold ourselves to the same standard? Do we allow for others to be fallible? As I have pondered this I wonder if I/we sometimes come to conclusive opinions of those around us, especially those closest to us and forget that they are journeying through life as we, responding to it and the circumstances that come the best they know how at the time, and learning through each experience. Do we expect them to "hit the mark" every time? Should we have a standard? I think so but we must be careful in our expectation(s) as well. Just some thoughts/ questions I am having/asking.

Colin P. Fagan said...

I ask the question:

"What would a good life produce in the world? A life where one focuses on making his/her marriage better, making his/her relationships with his/her family and friends better, treating people they come in contact with better, talking to people better, just day by day making our own lives and interactions therein better.
How often do we strive to be part of changing a huge issue, only to lose the importance of the personal impact of the lives we live. I think one man who treats his wife right and his children right, may have done more for god than the person who strove their entire life after a social issue, to only see their personal life ruined, and themselves alone.

I think the scripture reinforces the enjoyment of life, and a life simply lived well. Great thougts here from you both.