I had a thought this morning as I was changing the paper towels at my work,bare with me. I ripped open the first sheet with the glue on it and automatically I wanting to rip that little perferated piece and throw it into the trash. Why did I want to throw away a perfectly good paper towel? It wasn't perfectly square and untainted, but it was useful. It made me think how often I do this with other areas in my life. Just because things aren't perfectly "kept" I want to throw them away. It awakened me to the fact that we are all torn, but does God throw us away? No, in fact He LOVES to use us when we are ripped, because He can shine through the cracks and crevices. Even with our rips He can still use us to wipe up a mess.
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I would never throw you away!
Nice revelation from a paper towel. He allows nothing to go to waste.
My comment will not show up, says you have zero, but you have 1, well now 2.
"but who are you, a mere man human being, to talk back to god? Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, 'why did you make me like this?' Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for disposal of refuse?" Rom 9:20-21
just thought of it when i read your post...dont know
I hear what you are saying, but that is God's job to dispose not ours. Who are we to know who are the chosen ones and who aren't?? WE are called to love ALL, but it is the choice of the individual as to if they are going to respond. I think a good question as well is what is a wasted life?
i love you, lanyard. only you could take papertowels and make them into pieces of humanity.
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