"Office Hottie"...that's really all I ever wanted to live up to.

So, by the title of this blog I'm sure you can guess where it's headed. The other day I was talking with two co-workers. These two men were conversing about their nicknames for people in the office. I said NAIVELY, "What's my nickname?" One of the guys(who did not name me)chimed in,"Your nickname is office hottie. Isn't that a great compliment?" "Office hottie", wow I have waited all of my life to live up to that title. I just feel so privileged that I can not contain it!(STRONG sarcastic tone inserted here) As if a tall,blond,blue-eyed girl at the receptionist desk doesn't have a hard enough time already. I smerked at him and said,"Yeah, great compliment. That's what I've always dreamt of."

Why do some guys feel that this is the greatest favor that they can do for women? We want to be known as beautiful ,yes but not your sexual fantasy. You wonder why women find their security in the title of "hottie". Women are bending over backwards to cater to this class of marking and once they have arrived at this destination all they are met with is a mans lustful pursuits of them. Women spend so much time attending to the outside that they lose there sense of self or maybe they've fed in to that perpetual cycle for so long that they've never even aquired lasting character that far outlasts their fleeting beauty. Yes, I desire to be known as beautiful but above all full of intelligence, wisdom, kindness, love and a fear of the Lord that will outlive my exterior shell.


Eric Sidler said...

Say "No" to burqas!

I'm actually surprised one of the guys admitted that they'd given you that nickname. It's got a certain ring to it, doesn't it? You'd think they could come up with something a little more creative with all their male heads working together. Here's to male creativity!

I suppose that you have a certain cross to bear. It might be easier to wear a burqa, but then where does God get the glory? I imagine he smiles beamingly as he sees you astound surface-minded carnality with your assertions of truth.

Keep standing tall...

Layne Eiler said...

Thank you for your comments guys. After I wrote this blog I thought maybe I was a bit harsh. After all I am quite an idealist. I wish that I could live in a eutopian society, but that is just not the way it is. Can somebody tell my heart and brain that?

Anonymous said...

You, my dear, are the offce hottie. Wear the title with pride. You won't be called that forever.

Anonymous said...

At least you are not the "office ugly" or "office nutcase" hee hee.

Oh Layne Layne Layneeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Layne Eiler said...

True. I can't really complain about that. Thanks ladies!

Jen in Budapest said...

Girl, come preach here in Budapest. Oh, and if you get a chance, read my blog thanking the godly men in my life....It's on all the regular sites, facebook, blogspot, myspace...the list never ends...

And just for the record. I'm sure you are the office hottie but that's just because you're the packaged deal...an amazing personality, depth of character that far exceeds the shallow women who succumb to ravenous wolves who don't even wear sheep clothing and the looks!!! You're the packaged deal, girl...And you're worth more than your weight in gold....That godly man will see you for who you truly are....He'll be looking with spiritual eyes...

Layne Eiler said...

Jen, thank you so much for your priceless words. I will read your blog shortly.

Anonymous said...

Well said. very..well said.

Allie, Dearest said...

I don't know why I didn't comment before. Funny blog.

I love you. You are frank and forthright. It's great to hear what goes on in that "hottie-head" of yours.

One of my bosses introduced me to an esteemed sort of man of faith today and said that he recommended that the guy's daughter hang out with me. Because I'm a real eccentric.

I thought that was amusing.

Jen in Budapest said...

You're always welcome to come to Budapest. You know that right?

Anonymous said...

ok office hottie since you gave me a little nug here's one backatcha...
new post time for you!

Layne Eiler said...

Albert, I didn't see your comment until today. Eccentric, huh? How did you take that one?