I for Idealist

Wouldn't it be nice if we could view people from the inside out? I've been thinking lately about our social norms and how many times they go unchallenged. For instance a lot of times we expect that externally beautiful people will brighten up the atmosphere while those who are less visually appealing will be the ones to nurture good character, serve with the lowely,walk in humility and have a charming sense of humor. We don't really ask much of those who are talented and beautiful. We just simply want to stare and be entertained by them. Those who fit in the beautiful category most likely won't have to fight for a job, worry about being unmarried or wonder if they will ever be noticed in a crowded room. Do you think if we put less emphasis on these things that we would have a culture where people would actually have to develope their character? What if only people with depth,love,warmth and wisdom were the ones noticed in a room? That would ruffle some feathers,huh?


jared said...

laaaaaaaaaaayne, good blog. good Q's. I imagine you're becoming one of those people in the room with depth, love, warmth, and wisdom. bravo!

Layne Eiler said...

I hope that I am becoming that woman. Next time that you see me let me know. Thanks for the comment!