Recycling thoughts

It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them.

- Adlai Stevenson

Principle- Guiding sense of the requirements and obligations of right conduct.

I've met many people with great intentions and passionate fervence for the things that are right, but few that live daily for the principled lifestyle. This is a hard road to walk on. Principle doesn't bring glamour, fame or praise. It can seem mundane to our lives filled with excitement, entertainment and distractions. I constantly think about new experiences, new people, new environments, but what about the daily commitments of life? I've been indoctrinated for so long with the concept that I need to "step out in faith" meaning I need to for example:

-Move to a far off land
-Learn a new language to preach the gospel
-Step out of the comfortablility of daily existence

To me these things all sound like a fun adventure in which I would be able to meet new people, enjoy different cultures and constantly be entertained by movement. The hard decision for me would be to find a place or people and settle in there. Moving and learning are a faith building experience but they have nothing to do with the forming of commitment. One with out the other is an excercise in futility. Like I said in the beginning I've met many people who are ready to take on a NEW challenge, but what about the mundane challenges of life? What about serving until it hurts in a place where you get no recognition or praise? I think about the missionaries who have gone before us in such places as India, Saudi Arabia, Africa. Some of these men and women have given their lives to live a daily commited, principled lifestyle. Some have given all of their lives to serve a people without seeing one person come to Christ. Their lives were a seed offering in which somebody else would reap. Are we willing to be those people of principle?

Lord, please help me to become a person of priciple who doesn't cry out for fame or recognition. Set my heart ablaze for obedience, obedience in the mundane and also in the exciting.
"O God, you have taught me from my youth;
And to this day I declare your wondrous works.
Now also when I am old and grayheaded,
O God, do not forsake me,
Until I declare Your strength to this generation,
Your power to everyone who is to come."
-Psalm 71:17-18